There is fall damage, which occurs from jumping around two stories, with more damage the higher the fall.ġ2. If you leave a door open, you're telling the world you've been there too.ġ1. The key things you want to find as soon as possible are the good-in-most-situations assault rifles (ARs), a backpack, a bulletproof vest, healing items, and a helmet - the higher level for these items, the better.ġ0. For the best chance of success, find small clusters of buildings right at the edge of parachuting range, or use one of the other more detailed, situational strategies to get even better loot, which you'll find in our Erangel map article.ĩ. Big towns under the flight path are dangerous places to start, but normally have better loot. Mastering the essentials: strategies and prioritiesĨ. You'll also be able to change the settings to go straight to ADS by holding right-click rather than toggling it on/off. Hip fire, a more accurate hip-fire (holding right mouse-button), and aiming-down-sights ('ADS', by tapping right mouse-button). There are not two, but three types of aiming. Remember to toggle your rate of fire with the B key or left on the d-pad on console.ħ. You can stay in the game's voice chat, but set your own chat to party-only - occasionally you'll overhear enemy teams who forgot to set theirs to private.Ħ. Use map markers at all times, and call out specific directions (numbers as well as North/South/East/West) when in a team.ĥ. To refuel, the vehicle needs to be completely static, but you can still refuel from within the car by right-clicking the cannister in your inventory.Ĥ. In the pre-game, take off your shoes! Barefoot running is the same speed as running with shoes, but you're noticeably quieter on most surfaces.ģ. Remember to put away your weapon (the X key on PC), meaning you can sprint six per cent faster.Ģ. Mastering the essentials: setting up and basic controlsġ. PUBG can get a little overwhelming, especially for beginners, so here's a rundown of the basics that you need to know - and some useful stuff that it really helps to get to grips with early - before we start diving into the more advanced strategies. :: The 20 best Xbox One games you can play right now Push forward to dive a little faster - but be sure to already have a destination and backup plan in mind! PUBG beginners tips for mastering Battlegrounds There's obviously a lot more to just the above, which our tips below can help with. At that point, most people's strategies go out the window, but hopefully that's where the final part of this page comes in most handy, where we go through not only the useful stuff for the early and mid game, but some advanced tips for winning that final fight to the death.You'll need to find safe points to rest, loot, and defend yourself along the way, while the player count gradually drops, until you ideally reach the last 10 or 15 players. Then, when you're all set (or run out of things to loot before the electrical field starts getting close) it's a case of going where the white circle is.We've put together a dedicated guide on the best PUBG loot locations on Erangel and Miramar, as well as specific pages on the Erangel map and Miramar map, too, but the short version here is that you want to avoid high-traffic areas like major towns and cities, and find a safe little spot to loot some weapons and equipment on your own. You'll spawn in the plane, and need to choose somewhere to land.The general flow of a game then is roughly as follows:
And finally, if you do get spotted hiding in a bush, it helps to know how to shoot the one who found you. Likewise, mid-game kills are a great way to take your gear from passable to excellent. PUBG's combat mechanics are a little odd and mastering those makes a massive difference to how many final-10 situations you'll win. The argument goes that everyone else will kill each other anyway, so why expose yourself to the risk?īut that's not the whole story - combat, for starters, is great practise. In fact, many of the highest-ranking players who are aiming to compete at upcoming tournaments simply rely on 'boring' stealth strategies, like hiding offshore on boats, to see them through to the final gunfight at the end of a round. The prevailing meta, so to speak, is stealth. The aim is to survive, not to get the most kills - in fact you can win without getting a single one - so your usual shooter strategy needs to adapt.